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Subcompact-class 12V brushless impact driver for when you need high torque with access and low weight SID 2-A12 Cordless impact driver SID 2-A12 Cordless impact driver Subcompact-class cordless 12V Li-ion impact driver with brushless motor and 1/4" hexagonal chuck, for when you need access and low weight without sacrificing high torque Chuck type: 1/4" hexagonal Hilti Cordless impact drivers - SID 2-A12 Cordless impact driver - null This item: 12-Volt Lithium-Ion 1/4 in. Cordless Impact Driver SID 2-A Kit with Battery, Charger and Bag $239.00 Hilti 12-Volt Lithium-Ion Cordless Rotary Hammer Drill/Impact Driver Combo Kit (2-Tool) SFD 2-A12 Cordless screwdriver New product.

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Παλμικό κατσαβίδι μπαταρίας ιόντων λιθίου 12 V, κατηγορίας πολύ μικρού μεγέθους, με κινητήρα χωρίς ψήκτρες και εξαγωνικό τσοκ 1/4" για όταν χρειάζεται πρόσβαση σε χώρους με χαμηλό ύψος χωρίς Hilti Cordless Drill Drivers - SFD 2-A12 Cordless screwdriver - Subcompact-class 12V brushless 1/4 hex drill driver for when you need compactness and fine torque control The SID 2-A12 impact driver uses a 1/4" hex chuck (a type of quick-change clamp) to hold a range of impact-rated hex bits that stand up to the force exerted by the impact driver. The comfortable handling, ergonomics and improved control provide you with easy driving into a range of base materials from wood, masonry and concrete to metal. Hilti SID 2-A12 Cordless Impact Driver +2.6Amp Baterry+ SL 2-a12. Condition is "New". Dispatched with Royal Mail 2nd Class. eBay Marketplaces GmbH (of Helvetiastraße15-17, 3005, Bern, Switzerland) is authorised by the FCA to conduct credit broking for a restricted range of finance providers.
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Item # r9940037. Subcompact-class 12V brushless impact driver for when you need high torque with access and low weight Hilti Akumulátorové rázové šroubováky - SID 2-A12 - Lehký akumulátorový 12V lithium-iontový rázový utahovák s bezuhlíkovým motorem a 1/4 šestihranným sklíčidlem, když potřebujete přístup a nízkou hmotnost, ale zároveň vysoký krouticí moment ヒルティ 充電式インパクトドライバー - sid 2-a12 充電式インパクトドライバー - ブラシレスモーターおよび 1/4 六角チャックの付いたサブコンパクト充電式 12v リチウムイオンインパクトドライバー(狭い場所での使用に好適。 SID 2-A12 Snoerloze slagschroefmachine Nieuw product.

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