Arbetssökande - Om sökning i EURES job search - EURES


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European Job Days are dynamic recruitment events that bring jobseekers and employers together. Jobseekers can find not only recruitment opportunities but also practical information and advice from EURES Advisers and other employment professionals. Job vacancies on EURES portal On 21.02.2019 at 10:00 We are glad to welcome you to our job search workshop, organised in cooperation with the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund. Save job search list, you may save your search criteria for future use. You can manage your saved searches from My EURAXESS, where you can also configure your notification settings (please note that only registered user can save job search criteria) job search; job matching and contact with potential employers; preparing for job interview, taking up a job abroad etc; It is obligatory to receive mobility services from EURES/PES in order to apply. Jobseekers may contact any of the TMS/YfEj partners to get information about the schemes and current job opportunities.

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If you live in another EU country you can get certain help from our EURES advisers if you want to live in Sweden. The EURES website is also a good source of information when looking for work in Sweden. Apart from job vacancies in Sweden, the site also has extensive information on many topics of interest for jobseekers from abroad interested in working to Sweden. EURES has a human network of more than 850 EURES advisers that are in daily contact with jobseekers and employers across Europe. The EURES job mobility portal is the main source of information about EURES. The portal is available in 26 languages.

These are held both onsite and online. More information about these events can be accessed via this web page.

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25.5K subscribers. Subscribe. Guide: Så söker du jobb. Home. Videos.
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Launched in 1994, the European job mobility network has now been in operation for a quarter of a century. Are you beginning a job search?
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Search EURES - European Job Days

Jobseekers may contact any of the TMS/YfEj partners to get information about the schemes and current job opportunities. Cookies. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience.

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This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Find out more on how we use cookies and how you can change your settings. The EURES Job Mobility Portal offers you: more than one million job vacancies across Europe, entry in a database of CVs , information regarding living and working in 31 European countries, information regarding EURES events and; contact information for more than 900 EURES advisers.