A PID is a promise Versioning with persistent identifiers


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| DataCite makes research better by enabling people to find, share, use and cite data. We are a leading global Begin typing (e.g. en-GB for English, Great Britain) or use the drop down menu. To this end, we use the object property ``datacite:hasIdentifier`` that has as its object a member of the class ``datacite:Identifier`` or of one of its two sub-classes, ``datacite:ResourceIdentifier`` or ``datacite:AgentIdentifier``, while the latter one is sub-classed by three additional classes, i.e., ``datacite:PersonalIdentifier``, ``datacite:OrganizationIdentifier``, and ``datacite 2021-04-12 · While DataCite was originally founded to support data citation, DataCite DOIs can be used on a variety of objects. Examples of objects that have DataCite DOIs include: Data from large-scale science like that from the Large Hadron Collider ( 10.7484/INSPIREHEP.DATA.A78C.HK44 ) to small scale data such as individual interview audio clips ( 10.7486/DRI.5999NX19J ) De senaste tweetarna från @datacite What it is. Links from DataCite DOIs to Crossref DOIs.

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DataCite https://www.datacite.org/node är en icke-kommersiell  Att citera data innebär att referera till en publicerad samling av forskningsdata på samma sätt som man gör till tidskriftsartiklar, rapporter, konferensbidrag och  Alliance), CESSDA (Council of European Social Science Data Archives), ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) och DataCite. This data set encompasses all of the remote sensing data collected in relation to sea ice during the BaySys 2018 expedition (radiometric and UAV data). Cite  I teorin kan jag lätt komma åt alla modeller, data och analysskript från mina år som doktorand. De ligger på hårddiskar, noggrant inpackade i  humans as a “super predator” globally far more lethal to mesocarnivores, and thus presumably far more frightening allmän - core.ac.uk - PDF: datacite.org. allmän - core.ac.uk - PDF: datacite.org.

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PID/DOI-tjänst Svensk Nationell Datatjänst

Ruby gem and command-line utility for conversion of DOI metadata. Ruby 32 7 · lupo. Jul 5, 2019 DataCite's mission is to be the world's leading provider of persistent identifiers for research. Through our portfolio of services, we provide the  Mar 3, 2021 DataCite's unique content.


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Dataverse is quickly becoming a critical  DataCités 2 accompagne les collectivités dans le développement de leurs stratégies d'usage et de partage de la donnée. Une exploration du Lab OuiShare x  Apr 2, 2021 One search interface for over 380 data repositories worldwide. Clarivate Analytics evaluates and selects the best data repositories for content,  DataCite. international not-for-profit organization which aims to improve data citation.


The test environment is a closed system: DOI names registered here are not resolvable with any resolvers other than that of the test system. 2012-05-18 DataCite’s members work with data centers, stewards, libraries, archives, universities, publishers and research institutes that host repositories and who have responsibility for managing, holding, curating, and archiving data and other research outputs. Members agree with the DataCite statutes. You can see current DataCite members here. What it is. Links from DataCite DOIs to Crossref DOIs. These are recorded in the metadata for DataCite's registered content.
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[titleType], AlternativeTitle, Subtitle, TranslatedTitle, Other. Creator(s): ? +. DataCite.

2. Datacite and STM encourage Data Archives to enable bi-directional linking between datasets and publications by using established and community endorsed unique persistent identifiers such as database accession codes and DOI's. 3.
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DataCite Svensk Nationell Datatjänst

Links from DataCite DOIs to Crossref DOIs. These are recorded in the metadata for DataCite's registered content.

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Installation. The datacite package is on PyPI so all you  TU Delft Library is a founding member of DataCite and consortium leader of the TU Delft DOI Consortium. TU Delft Library has established DataCite Netherlands   Welcome to DataCite.