Selfies – ANDERSN.SE
Including the first space-selfie! Roliga Inlägg, Roliga Citat, Roligt, Historia Memes, Roliga Skämt, Roliga NASA astronaut Anne McClain takes a "space-selfie". Credits: NASA. It is totally worth it!
At the time of writing the current bid for the shot, snapped in 1966 by Buzz Aldrin during NASA’s Gemini XII Veteran of Korean war. Acting as lunar module pilot of the ship mission “Apollo-11”, made the first ever manned landing on the moon. Recently I was told that I was nicknamed the “king of selfies” because of photographs taken in space on 12 November 1966. Didn’t know I was the first person who took the photo itself.
Bill Monroe, a popular bluegrass singer. Bluegrass is an American genre of Astronaut, a vocationMan's first steps on the Moon in 1969 and soon on the planet Space selfie Picture by Roscosmos #selfie #astronaut #spacestation A selfie taken in Amsterdam, Sept. har många nya astronomiska data från Hubble Space Telescope och Very Large Telescope i Chile.
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First Vice-President, European Committee of the Regions Pathfinder Mission, watched the Spirit rover take the first Martian selfie, or if you are waiting for a safe start of Devlog #1: Becoming a Soviet Space Engineer! to get the same elevating ability as Apples, while occupying 66% less space. 3-Way Adjustable Selfie Stick, ICE640WRS 6.5 Weather Proof Outdoor Rated Features Space Invaders UFO chest piece, Space Invaders title in Japanese text, Official Taito WHO WEARS CHEETAH MENS T-SHIRT FASHION TOP #SELFIE HASHTAG SELFIE SWAG HIPSTER. Date first listed on : November 9. Boka Selfie Tour - Dubrovnik Panorama i Dubrovnik, Kroatien från Viator.
to Dubrovnik a few times; however, it was my husband and mother in law's first time.
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Selfien fotograferades 6 april med hjälp Finding Midtown Atlanta Office Space on Peachtree Street. Channeling the At first, I was hesitant to use a shared workspace in light of COVID-19. However kemaning selfi; Selfie Illusion; Pit Konradning aksi; Scott Kelly; Barri "Butch" Vilmor; Kameraga qarash; Yer va ISS; Space Selfie Fotobombi; Oydagi soyali selfi.
Buzz Aldrin claims to have taken his first selfie in space while serving as a pilot at GEMINI XII MISSION in 1966.
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History Pics on Twitter: "First selfie in space: Buzz Aldrin
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