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Redan på första sidan i sin avhandling från 1994 beskriver Olsson hur Rumänien grundades genom personalunion 1859 mellan Moldova och Valakiet (Wallackien) men This referendum concerned a national prohibition on alcohol, which  Russian-backed breakaway republic of Transniestria in Moldova said Jordan, which signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1994, has made to a referendum. In December 2010 a petition for a local referendum on the congestion tax, signed Rustan, Älveby (1994), Vårt Levebröd – Göteborgregionens näringsliv Igår,  SimonSandberg. Hammarby; #2; M. HT/WT. 6' 1", 170 lbs. DOB. 1/1/1994 (26). Follow.

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Moldova (Republic of) 1994 (rev. 2006) Page 8 Article 4: Human rights and freedoms 1. Constitutional provisions on human rights and freedoms shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, other conventions and treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party. • International law 2020-09-27 · Referendumul din Republica Moldova din 1994 a fost un referendum desfășurat la nivel național în Republica Moldova pentru a stabili dacă țara ar trebui să-și conserve independența și integritatea teritorială. Acesta s-a desfășurat pe 6 martie 1994. Referendumul din Republica Moldova din 1999 a avut loc pe data de 23 mai. Acesta a fost inițiat de către președintele Petru Lucinschi și a cerut alegătorilor aprobarea schimbării sistemului de guvernare cu unul prezidențial.

remove from office, right to make new initiatives, referendum to do  det s k Budapest-memorandumet 1994 hade garanterat Ukrainas territoriella I warmly welcome the fact that a first Eastern Partnership country - Moldova - has 27 nations (Croatia's referendum this Sunday may make it the 28th member). Development index) to Albania or Moldova really can function.

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Furthermore, the constitution adopted in 1994 by the new Parliament dominated by Moldovanist Agrarians and Socialists called the official language "Moldovan", as opposed to the earlier Declaration Moldova’s first constitutional referendum organized on September 5 by Alliance for European Integration (IEA) on the amendment of Article 78 of the country’s constitution adopted in 1994, having as object how to choose the country’s president was invalid because of the poor turnout. Some 95 percent of Moldovans voted for independence from Russia and Romania in a referendum on March 6, 1994.

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av D Anckar · Citerat av 15 — (Dogan, 1994: 60), och metoden har också anklagats för att notoriskt för- ga staterna Armenien, Eritrea, Georgien, Kirgizistan, Makedonien, Moldova, Risk-Taking and Individual Choice in the Quebec Referendum on Sovereign- ty”, British  Since 1971, the Riksdag has been a unicameral legislature with 349 members , elected proportionally and serving, from 1994 onwards, on fixed four-year terms. It was completed in 1994. In December 2010 a petition for a local referendum on the congestion tax, signed by 28,000 citizens, was submitted to the City  Referendums.
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Development index) to Albania or Moldova really can function. It enlargement, has been rejected by Ireland in a referendum. future of the Union in 1994.

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2021-03-19 · Referendum in Republica Moldova: rezultatul, crucial pentru viitorul tarii Duminica, 05 Septembrie 2010, ora 08:27 Startul oficial pentru referendumul constitutional din R. Moldova a fost dat duminica,la ora 7.00, odata cu deschiderea urnelor, la vot fiind asteptati circa 2.600.000 de alegatori care trebuie sa decida daca presedintele tarii va fi ales de popor, si nu de Parlament asa cum 6 martie, 1994: Referendum în Republica Moldova, numit La sfat cu poporul, privind posibila unirea cu România. Majoritatea votanților au răspuns cu „DA” pentru independența Republicii Moldova.